Monday, October 25

Roboburgh Not Yet Reality for Western Pennsylvania

From TEQ Magazine online:

Pittsburgh Region's Robotics Industry Boasts Broad Mix of Companies and Research

"Since the Wall Street Journal article in 1999 calling Pittsburgh “Roboburgh” for its local concentration of talent in robotics, many have wondered whether this might become a reality someday.

Would the city, that had been known by the nicknames Iron City and the City of Champions, one day be commonly associated with those autonomous electromechanical beings first named “robots” in a 1921 science fiction play by Czech author Karel Capek called “R.U.R.” for “Rossum’s Universal Robots”?

The verdict is still not in, but great strides in the right direction have been made in recent years. In the process, RoboBurgh has morphed into a more elongated “RoboCorridor,” extending across southwestern Pennsylvania and into West Virginia."